Friday, January 30, 2009

Organizational Structure of the one Solidarity


I. The First Magnitude Order of the Peace of Jesus Christ and the First Magnitude Contemplative Order of our Lady, the Mother of Suffering Humanity.

"That the Eucharistic Reign of Christ be in every Christian heart so that all of mankind may know through the Hope of our Lady, the Mother of Suffering Humanity, that the Peace of Christ is but one Peace for all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind."

1st Magnitude, Council-elect, male or female, have further undertaken a solemn vow to practice Christian poverty, thus completing the Evangelical Counsels.

II. The Council of the Immaculate Conception or the one Council

All Preservators of all National Wings, all of whom have undertaken a solemn vow to practice Christian obedience to the one Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, our Holy Father Benedict XVI and his one whole apostolic lineage in particular and all Bishops in communion with the Supreme Pontiff in general.

III. The System of Common Needs - The Social Missions of the one Solidarity

Except for the one Chaplaincy, all stability and military force missions are only undertaken by the one Majority (or its equivalent international chapters) and if within the context of the Philippine Republic and this particular endeavor of Country always in support of our Constitution and under the aegis of the legitimate Philippine state.

IV. Junior Stars or JStars

The Youth Arm of the one Solidarity, our precious Starshine. Members from Baptism - 16 years old: aspiring (eager for our charism and willing to officially enter into our apostolate), able (conversant - cor ad cor loquitur - with the three minimums) and Roman Catholic (loyalty to the one triune Perfection and to the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church of Jesus Christ on earth, our Holy Mother Church).

Starshine refers to all of the youth (of all nations) in general Abrahamic but to all of our Christian youth in particular.

V. Structure of Organization within the one Solidarity

National Wing of the Particular Church
Vicariate or Provincial Brigade
Diocesan Squadron

The Diocesan Squadron is the Basic Service Arm of the one Solidarity.

All Regular, Ecumenical, Abrahamic, and Inter-Faith Squadrons are Service Squadrons.

All Support Squadrons move towards becoming Regular Squadrons.

All Regular (Roman Catholic) Squadrons serve the good of our Support Squadrons as well as help advance all of our social missions undertaken with other Regular Squadrons or shoulder to shoulder with constituent Squadrons composed of Ecumenical (Christian), Abrahamic (Islamic or Judaic), and Inter-Faith (all other honorable religions aligned with the one Peace).

Support Squadrons are composed of these following Irregular Flights:

Sobriety - for recovering alcoholics
Recovery - for recovering addicts
Freedom - for recovering victims of pornography and destructive gambling
Awakening - for awakening homosexuals who want to live the experience of full communion with Holy Mother Church. The one Solidarity across all its National Wings shall implement an "Openly Gay, Openly Chaste Policy." Much of the upcoming Squadron guidelines shall be taken from entry: On Homophobia.
Promise - for single mothers and unborn children
Destiny - for troubled marriages
Sanctuary - for the persecuted

Except for Sanctuary which is the direct responsibility of the National Wing, all Irregular Flights are the direct responsibility of their Diocesan Squadron and its complement of Service Squadrons and their resources in particular and the National Wings and their resources in general.

The guidelines that shall govern each specific Support Squadron and their respective Irregular Flights are to follow.

Ecumenical, Abrahamic and Inter-Faith Squadrons are led by honorary Preservators of the appropriate Magnitude rank drawn from their own ranks. The guidelines as regards to this are to follow.

The Parish Flight is the Basic Community Whole within the one Solidarity.

The one Family or the Domestic Church is the Structure within the Parish Flight.

The JStar Troop is the component Youth element of every Parish Flight.

VI. The Order of the Peace or the Order of the Peace of Jesus Christ

The quality of the one Order shall be perceived by observance of two things and two things alone: loyalty to the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist (commission) and to the Vicar of Christ on earth (mission).

1st Magnitude - shed away all political affiliations and earthly ambitions
2nd Magnitude - undertake solemn vow to practice Christian chastity as an Evangelical Counsel
3rd Magnitude - acquire the spirituality of Ascendant Concentration
4th Magnitude - acquire the spirituality of our Holy Father Dominic

All active, regular ranks of the apostolate - undertake to practice our Regular Observance

An active, regular member is male or female, practicing Lay Roman Catholic, 16+ years of age and are either in a single or married state.

VII. Mass Attendance and the Order of the Peace

40 Consecutive or 52 Cummulative Sunday Masses = + 1 Magnitude rank

Ascent to each of the four Magnitudes is by free consent.

VIII. Hierarchy of Official Responsibilities within the Order of the Peace

Eucharistic Adjutant
Conservator (Treasurer)
Sergeant (Catechist, Support, Counselor, Clerk, Social Missions Instructor, Teacher)

National Wing - no lower than 1st Magnitude (senior) Preservator, 1st Magnitude Vice-Preservator, all others 2nd Magnitude

Vicariate or Provincial Brigade - no lower than 2nd Magnitude (senior) Preservator, 2nd Magnitude Vice-Preservator, all others 3rd Magnitude +

Diocesan Squadron - no lower than 3nd Magnitude (senior) Preservator, 3nd Magnitude Vice-Preservator, all others 4rd Magnitude

Parish Flight - no lower than 3rd Magnitude Preservator, 4th Magnitude Sergeants

All Preservators and Vice-Preservators of all Magnitude ranks serve for life.

All Official Responsibilities except for Preservator and Vice-Preservator are at-will.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Blessed Jacinta Marto of Fatima, Pray for us.

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


your addiction is to life.

There is nothing worthy
about things that cause harm -
Destruction is only good
if it brings about growth and transformation.

So remember this
when you shall desire to find yourself
when you shall seek to one day be
as stars looking out from yourself
possessed by your own light,
being by the one Beautiful beheld
seeing far into the darkness
of our needful world:
Make no provision in your heart
for evil things: Here, Now.

For there will come a time in your life
when you shall be confused
when you shall cross an imperceptible threshold
into an in-between world -
By the ebb and flow tides of shadow and light,
you shall wander alone with the Alone
and you will be compelled to look for those things
that are meant to be yours
as well as forced to shed away all other things
that should no-wise belong to you.

So listen to good counsel, Beloved of God,
for it is better not to begin weeping
than to weep until the tears that was begun
are all shed away by your weeping
for before you can shed your own starlight,
our most precious Starshine,
before the love in your heart ignites,
you must first shed away all your tears.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Starshine and Truelight

THE IMMENSE VALUE of our youth shall not be lost to our one Solidarity. They are the source of constant rejuvenation to our community.

We shall serve them in spirit through a concept of a magazine for our youth.

This publication shall be called "Starshine". It will be a wisdom-based publication - more than non-denominational, more than inter-faith, it will be completely human, completely safe and completely edible to the constantly searching souls of our young people.

It will serve to introduce them to the vast spiritual patrimony of our shared humantity and reflecting these things in the right light, make them practical to our times as well as relevant to the peace which is the charism of our community.

Given the climate of today, it will serve to counter the pervasiveness of toxic materials that poison the mind and hearts of our little ones.

"Truelight" is the counterpart magazine for our mature membership. It will be mainly about Jesus Christ, our one Truelight - as well as articles relevant to our mature membership. It will also be based on topics reflected in the right light, descending not into the gravity of division, it shall be completely human, completely safe and completely edible to the mature membership of our apostolate - across all National Wings, their necessary Provincial Brigades and all Diocesan Squadrons, regular (service as well as support), ecumenical, Abrahamic and Inter-faith - and their composite Parish Flights.

Both of these intruments shall uphold respect for differences, appreciate common values and promote the charism of our community - the Peace of Jesus Christ.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

On Religion with Honor

SO BY THEIR FRUITS you will know them.

Matthew 7: 20

THE FIRST AND ONLY prohibition of our good LORD to our first parents was to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This prohibition is symbolic of a choice: A choice to become independent from God; a choice to accept exile away from God.

For the freedom to know good and evil is to become as our Creator, the one Ultimate Judge and the one Absolute Ruler of all creation, seen and unseen. This exposed our humanity to sin.

It was this choice that destroyed our original liberty.

It was this choice that overthrew the original order of the visible universe.

It was this choice that turned our heritage of life and of light into an abyss of sin and of death.

And it was a choice that was not freely undertaken by our first parents but was the result of the willfull interference of Satan with our eternal destiny as the one whole lineage of the generations of Man.

Indeed, it was this choice that stole from us, our one peace.

Thus, in the eyes of our LORD and of all of heaven, we are all victims by first principle.

Now, my dear Christian soul, our most loving Jesus Christ commanded each and every one of us to produce eternal fruit which is fruit that is edible for all mankind and good for all time.

I offer you that both the fruits of the other trees of the garden of our faded Eden mentioned in Genesis and the fruit that is mentioned by our Lord Christ here in the Gospel of Matthew is the same.

It is the fruit of virtue which is right action.

And those trees of old, my beloved friend and companion, are symbolic not only of each and every human person gifted with a timeless soul, these tress are also symbolic of each and every one of our nations gifted by our LORD to all mankind for the building up of the good of the human communities of our inhabited earth, the sheltering of the life of our shared humanity and the advancement of the one peace of our one human race.

Beloved of God, Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace.

Regardless of how one is so religiously inclined to take into his or her heart, the one person of the one Savior of all humankind, our most loving Jesus Christ is real - his ageless teachings are real, his substance and his being is real and his love for all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind is real.

He is the one Truelight of our shared humanity.

In the one Solidarity, Jesus Christ is our Exemplar, the First of our First Magnitudes.

There is more to our existence, my beloved friend and constant companion, than war and suffering, let us strive to produce the fruits of our honorable religion and rejoice in the dawning of our hope for the Peace of Christ is upon our poor world - for our good and the good of all men and women of good will.

Let us therefore, cultivate in the garden of our hearts with God, the trees of our true selves and produce for our LORD and for each other the fruits of a good and honorable religion - worship our one LORD with honor and serve God's Kingdom of Peace with both virtue and light that we may bless our Creator's creation with every kind of good thing that is edible unto all mankind, each of us bearing those fruits which are eternally pleasing to our one God.

Let us compete in good works, one honorable religion with another, one faithful nation with another, and become for our poor world what Jesus Christ - however we perceive him to be - would have each of us be - both as individual human beings and as individual human nations - as good trees bearing those much needed good fruits of every kind for all mankind; fruit that is edible unto all men, women and children of every nation of the one family of the nations of mankind which are fruits that remain good and sweet for our one LORD for all time.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

SO BY THEIR FRUITS you will know them - by their works they shall be revealed.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Loyalty to Christ and His Church

OUR BEING ROMAN CATHOLIC is not a distinction that separates us from the rest of suffering humanity.

Our being Christian in general and Roman Catholic in particular is not a clique that makes us a cut above the rest but a responsibility to serve all souls without distinction that make us belong all the more clearly to all human hope.

For the certitude of faith that we gain from our loving and confident obedience to the teaching Magisterium of our Holy Mother Church is not something to be selfishly enjoyed but something to be openly and honorably shared on behalf of Christ with the rest of our common peers in common creation.

This open and honorable sharing is a hallmark of our one Solidarity and shall by thought, word and deed constitute our common witness to our poor and needful world of the timeless majesty and utter necessity of Jesus Christ - our everliving Word - to all the restless souls of mankind who, without exception, desire a peace that only the one Savior of humankind can provide.

Therefore, in the course of our accomplishing of this mission of our apostlate, I should like to point out two things which shall form the bedrock foundations of the activities of our one Solidarity; two things that shall keep our apostolate relevant in exile time - loyalty to the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and loyalty to the Vicar of Christ on earth.

And I would that we shall each prayerfully consider at this time these and ponder on them - ponder on how these two loyalties coalesce in our hearts into one, right and honorable Christian action which is the bearing of the eternal fruits required of us by our Savior Lord.

We shall return to this topic in a while. I love you all, from always to always.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.