Monday, December 29, 2008

Eastward Dawning 2009

A SIMPLE MEDITATION, Beloved of God, that I enjoin us, each and every one, to achieve together at the threshold of the year of our LORD, 2009, is to await with glad expectation, in the silence of our hearts - alone with the Alone and intimate with the Intimate - that daybreak twilight leading up to the bright new morning of the first day of the rest of our lives - at a time, times and half-a-time. This would be the first dawn of the 1st of January 2009 - so please observe the last few dawnings of the last few days of this year as an exercise in preparation for this great dawning in our heart of hearts, my beloved friend and precious companion.

For I enjoin us all, from wherever we are and as whoever we are - at a time, times and half-a-time - to observe together, with much prayer and vigilance of heart, during that one complete rotation of our one planet, our one whole collective turning away from the midnight darkness of the past into the labor of hope that we shall all be committed to God and to each other to work and to strive for - for greater peace in our world, length to our days, substance to our hearts and blessings to the generations to come - all towards a better world for all men, women and children of all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008: On Holy Remembrance and the Most Holy Trinity

MY DEAR CHRISTIAN SOUL, bearing into thy mind that our God is pure Spirit, all of our understanding of our one LORD must be imbued with a continuity of action that is proper to the creative ideal that our Creator is a continuous Creator; that our one LORD and Holy Sustainer of all universes within and without, as we attempt to apprehend the actions of the will of Divine Providence in exile time, is a verb that shall always, always, escape our understanding and never a noun to be fully understood by man or angel.

It is God that possesses us, and not the other way around.

And our one LORD shall always be infinitely more that our understanding of our one LORD, for in the new heaven and the new earth to come when our universe is restored to the presence of our LORD as the perfected reality of our human habitation, our learning shall be forever, our happiness is an always being fulfilled, our souls immersed in the direct presence of our Creator. For fully conscious and golden was the blue of our native skies in Eden before the fall of our first parents.

Therefore, the sacred revelation of the Most Holy Trinity which is central to our Christian faith is as our LORD opening up His Heart to gather into Himself, the exile children of mankind - for our LORD indeed is one God in eternity. It is as our Lord Jesus Christ described it - as a mother hen gathers up her chicks - we are ALL - remember, one Peace - caught up in exile time, ascending to the Love that exists in the Holy Spirit between the most intimate embrace of the Father and the Son - one God, from always to always. Verily, my beloved friend and constant companion, the Holy Spirit of our LORD is truly present within the hearts of ALL good men and women - for our Peace, yours and mine, is to all men of good will.

For the most Holy Trinity is the primary principle behind the ascendant unity of our LORD - a one Reality which can not be separated from Itself.

This apprehension of the creative ideal is requisite foundation especially for those who desire to belong to the work of the one Solidarity for this establishes for the Christian mind and heart, the necessary meditation that builds into the first of the three minimums.

Hence, never judge anyone without hope. For as you judge, thou shalt be judged.

We shall let our one LORD breathe freely amongst us.

For indeed, we are loved - ALL of us. Next year, we shall all - including myself, of course - and with my darlingest Annelies Marie, begin a work of hope - to transform our world and our lives into instruments of God's peace - for the good of all of suffering humanity - past, present and future.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Merry Christmas and Cheers to a great New Year 2009 to all of the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Rosary of Hope

MY DEAR CHRISTIAN, this Rosary of Hope is meant to focus the longings of the heart with our Lady to the needful things in ourselves and in the world around us that we ought to care about. Those needful things we need to realize in the way of our prayer and then own in our souls by an act of our will to open the doors of our hope.

As we walk this world with our Lord, there are many things of beauty that are needful of our care and attention, these things that we need to realize as reflections of the one Beauty should populate the universe within our hearts, to make bloom with much flowers, the vast fields of the Kingdom of God within our souls.

This prayer came to me while I was weeping and hoping in front of our Lady for a need yet unfilled and is relatively new to myself as well - I know that the meditations contained herein still need much cultivation and though it is not my way to put something out that hasn't been thoroughly exercised in my heart of hearts, I take exception with this one for I want to share and learn this prayer with you, my dear Christian, and also, because today is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

This Rosary of Hope is not meant to replace the four sets of mysteries that are the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious events in the life of our Savior with our Lady and require that each one of us have had some fruit from the meditation of those timeless and inexhaustible mysteries prior to this Rosary of Hope. For this particular Rosary with our Lady and Blessed Jacinta Marto, my dear Christian soul, is meant to bring those virtues and the present need that their fruits need to serve into the moment with each of us and our Lady with Blessed Jacinta Marto so that we may each come to attain and realize these fruits of good works required by grace of our Christian character and by our own acts of hope, and through the strength and fidelity of our Lord, take proper human stewardship of their reality in the universe within each ourselves, and together out into the tremendous world of our human hopes without, as each of us becomes fully gathered together in the Now.

is what separates our reality from the one Divine reality,

HOPE is what separates our reality from other human realities.

And LOVE is what connects all these realities together.

THEREFORE observe and understand by thy sign of the Cross, my dear Christian soul, our Blessed Lord Crucified for our sakes'; the vertical beam of His Holy Cross, our happy faith, the horizontal beam of His Holy Cross, our holy hope and the Corpus of our Savior Himself being the infinite Love, broken for suffering humanity, bringing us all together in the unity of the Holy Spirit as the one great Covenant family of God, our Heavenly Father.

- Sign slowly, purposefully, openly and clearly. Open your heart to God.

And meditate with our Lady:

1st Our Father - Our one LORD, the ascendant unity of God.

Three Hail Mary's - The one triune Perfection - God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - being the primary reason for the ascendant unity of God - The one triune Perfection is a one ineffable Name - one Reality.

Glory Be - Glory to God - The Glory of God is the Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

1st Decade - Meditation on the Hope of Jesus Christ

AND IF I GO and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.

John 14: 3

Refer to entry: On the Peace of Jesus Christ

The preservation of virtue. Meditate and pray for the salvation of each of our souls through faith, hope and Christian charity.

Take ownership. Resolve to become part of the hope that shall help fill this need and restore peace and good will to our own souls.

Glory Be - Glory to God - Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

O my Jesus...Fatima Prayer - Pray this with Blessed Jacinta Marto - The Hope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

2nd Decade - Meditation on the Hope of Family

The preservation of virtue. Meditate and pray for the needs of the family; the instrumentality of the love of parents, wives, husbands, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, and extended family members.

Take ownership. Resolve to become part of the hope that shall help fill this need and restore peace and good will to our own family.

Glory Be - Glory to God - Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

O my Jesus...Fatima Prayer - Pray this with Blessed Jacinta Marto - The Hope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

3rd Decade - Meditation on the Hope of Friends/Neighbors

The preservation of virtue. Mediate and pray for the needs of friends - including neighbors and our local neighborhood community, our workplace community and both the transient and permanent community of our Lord's poor entrusted to our care who are within our own sphere of influence.

Take ownership. Resolve to become part of the hope that shall help fill this need and restore peace and good will to our local community.

Glory Be - Glory to God - Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

O my Jesus...Fatima Prayer - Pray this with Blessed Jacinta Marto - The Hope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

4th Decade - Meditation on the Hope of our Nations

The preservation of virtue. Meditate and pray for the needs of the national community - the state, the local regional community, the continental community and the one whole planetary community.

Take ownership. Resolve to become part of the hope that shall help fill this need and restore peace and good will to our nation.

Glory Be - Glory to God - Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

O my Jesus...Fatima Prayer - Pray this with Blessed Jacinta Marto - The Hope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

5th Decade - Meditation on the Hope of our Holy Mother Church

The preservation of virtue. Meditate and pray for the needs of our Holy Mother Church - the Church Militant, the Church Suffering in their proper relationships to the Church Triumphant as well as the Particular Church within one's locality - Meditate on the burden of our Holy Father Benedict XVI and pray for our pope - pray for our bishops, clergy, our apostolate, each other and all of Blessed Christendom that we may each grow closer and closer in the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ and through His Peace become a greater and greater blessing to our poor world, to the greater glory of God and the rejoicing of all of God's angels and saints.

Glory Be - Glory to God - Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

O my Jesus...Fatima Prayer - Pray this with Blessed Jacinta Marto - The Hope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Hail Holy Queen/Salve Regina (sung in the heart) - Renew your Total Consecration, if applicable.

Let us pray:

O MY MOTHER MARY, I love you.
recall me to yourself today
under your most glorious service
as Queen of heaven and earth
and Queen of my heart with Jesus.

Grant me the strength of will
to serve you under your banner
with a heart that loves God alone
that perseveres in the way of virtue
and add to the good of the world.

Please help me deny myself today
enduring temptations bravely
and bearing trials for Jesus
denying evil an entrance
in my heart and in our world.

O that I may please Almighty God
and prosper God's own peace
in my heart and in our world
for love of all thy children
O Mother of suffering humanity!

Resolution: For all beautiful life; why one must stay the mountain path - and walk this world with Jesus Christ, today, this hour, this minute, this moment, Now.

Your Personal Prayers...

MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS - Sign slowly, purposefully, openly and clearly. Slowly rise from the deep.

Be thankful, strive to be joyous, one with another.


Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

For further enrichment: A Meditation on Hope

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

On the Peace of Jesus Christ

"PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."

John 14: 27

OUR MOST LOVING JESUS, owing to the great and profound Christian mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God possesses a human soul and all human souls are capable of the virtue, hope.

And all hope is vested in exile time as a becoming, a sweet and joyful anticipation for all the saints of God as each of their own hopes in God wax gloriously or a growing sense of dread looming upon the souls of the willful and unrepentant as each of their own hopes in God wane

Hope exerts a subtle and quiet presence in every calm moment in the now before each free and human choice is made and this virtue wax or wane in strength according to how much we share and express it, one with another, in good faith and common good will, primarily to our LORD and His unseen Church of the triumphant angels and saints who forever face the face of our LORD in the heaven of God's eternity, secondarily to the unseen necessitate Suffering Church in the void of the angels whose own hopes they have entrusted to those who obey and fear the LORD here on earth and thirdly to our own Militant Church here in exile time specifically as a calling to serve the needful elements of our Lord's poor communities among the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind.

All human souls are capable of hoping but the soul of our Savior owing to the Hypostatic Union of our Lord to the one Truth of the Godhead possesses a hope that encompasses and embraces all human hope - in fact, the hope of the Savior of mankind IS the fulfillment of all human hope.

Every true hope culminates in the glory of God which is it's natural terminus for the glory of God in all of creation, seen and unseen, IS the culmination of all hope and this fulfillment in Christ culminates the purpose of creation in the beginning as it originally was intended and therefore has the august and able power to bring us all into fruition at the new beginning at the end of all things - at the passing away of the heavens and the inhabited earth.

False hopes, they sink in the mire, carried by the descendant gravity of evil's consequence, they shall collapse with the turning into ashes of all evil things from within to become with Satan and the reprobates, that one singular regret of all of hell entire.

Our Lord while He walked this world with us possessed the vision of God in the entirety of His temporal servitude to mankind, our Lord could see as far into His soul with God or as near as He pleases and so it was not only at the Agony in the Garden that our Savior has had to face the truth about our sins and the one whole entirety it's consequences built up in the righteous wrath of the Father in eternity.

Our most loving, Jesus Christ, knew all of this from the time he was conceived but it was only in Gethsemane that our Savior has had to face it in that hour, when it's time had come.

God by His own nature does not possess hope, our LORD possesses in His most beneficent will the infinite power to deliver and to uphold, to strengthen and to fulfill in the Truth which is His Being. Our LORD is the provider of all human hope and this can now only become clearer to our souls who can now comprehend in Christ what the Father has revealed in the Holy Spirit through the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son.

The Peace of Jesus Christ is Christ's own hope here on earth, it is His own hope fulfilled and shared with us as our Savior's joy in His eternal vision of our own happiness with Him in the place He has gone ahead to prepare for us in the golden realms of the Father in heaven.

With us, who remain in God and in each other, our Lord's greeting of peace is ALREADY our own hopes fulfilled in and through Christ who IS our hope and when we say this to each other as one Church of the baptized and in good will with all of the righteous persons among the one family of the nations of mankind, we inherit through our Savior the power to give this hope unto others.

And we give this hope by becoming it, by being as our Father in Jesus Christ, by living to be one as God is one - and we shall do this with one love alone.

It is this upon this Peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that the charism of this apostolate is founded for it is through this Peace that our one Solidarity shall fulfill it's gift - on behalf of Jesus Christ, our All - in the one, ineffable Name of the one Triune Perfection for our Holy Mother Church as a blessing unto all mankind.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.

John 14: 3

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mass Guideline: Organizational Structure

IN THE ONE SOLIDARITY, tenure as regards to our regular ranks will directly be reflected by each member's mass attendance. For this reason, the one Solidarity shall call from it's membership, qualified Eucharistic Adjutants from the level of the Parish Flight and as necessary right up to the National Wing of the Local or Particular Church within the fold of our Holy Mother Church.

It has come to my realization that flexibility and initiative with regards to the worthy reception of Holy Communion must be left with the person of the communicant and our Lord Christ, our Capital Grace, and so worthy Holy Communion shall therefore in the one Solidarity be allowed to remain as a free choice that reflects the personal discretion of the individual.

But let me emphasize the word, "worthy", in the act of receiving the Real Presence - any breach in sacred honor with regards to worthy reception of our Lord Christ within the folds of our one community shall constitute a grievous and irreparable breach of conduct that shall, if proven with malice, call for permanent expulsion from the one Solidarity.

Mass attendance, however, shall - as the precepts of our Mother Church dictates - be the measure by which our regular ranks shall ascend to the Magnitudes within the Order of the Peace.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

On Catholic Worship

WORSHIP IS ABSOLUTE ALLEGIANCE and allegiance is absolutely about love; it is like a love that longs for Itself.

We love only because God is Love and only because God abides in us can we truly love all that is in God and we must love truly all that is in God because we must truly love our LORD.

Therefore, love God and God alone and with one love alone, for only the LORD shalt thou worship and the rest of creation shall fall into place.

This one love is descriptive of latria.

Hyerdulia is the proper veneration rightly accorded to the Theotokos, the great Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

We love our Lady because we love God alone with one love alone.

Dulia is the veneration rightly accorded to our beloved Saints and the Holy Angels of God.

We love our Saints and Angels because we love God alone with one love alone.

All that is love begins in Love and ends in Love and all that abides in God abides in Love because God is Love and where we to be gifted with the one love of charity, were we to be mindful of this gift, were we to cherish this love, were we to cultivate it like it longs for Itself, we shall soon possess it because we shall be possessed by It.

But in order to truly appreciate the awesome glory of this Love, we must understand the central mystery of our Christian faith - the one triune Perfection, the most Holy Trinity for this is eternal life: To be caught up in the Holy Spirit between the most intimate embrace of the Father and the Son; this is oneness with God, communion with our LORD, and a return to our Creator.

For this is eternal life, it is one Love, one LORD, and we are one people for we are Love's portion, each of us, a love broken for others for our own good's sake; a one Communion of Saints.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Between the one Solidarity and the one Majority

ONE CAN ONLY CHOOSE to devote one's exclusive service to either the one Solidarity (the peace within) or the one Majority (the peace without).

Both of these callings serve to better and advance the one, indivisible and ascendant peace of our LORD but each of them constitute two separate and distinct paths upon the one mountain of our one LORD.

Now, it takes a more than a lifetime to conquer one road alone and as each of us in turn are granted only one life to live, we who are no longer lukewarm must choose.

Therefore, each of us must prayerfully consider and choose which path our hearts must take in order for us to aspire to ascend to the summit of the one mountain of our glorious LORD, walking upon eagle's wings of God's grace, and bring down the peace of heaven into our lives, and from our lives into our times and from our times into our poor world.

As for me, I have, am and shall always belong to the apostolate of the Peace of my All, the one Solidarity and it's mission which I utterly comprehend must be kept completely insulated from secular politics.

I and the apostolate however, will continually nurture the spirit of the one Majority, through prayer, meditation and contemplation.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

On Politics, Elections, Honor and one Love

IT MUST BE UNDERSTOOD here and now that the one Solidarity is not to be used for political gain; the purpose and the path of the apostolate is not secular in nature and thus, our labors as kindred grace within our community should never be confused to be anything less than divine.

Being absolutely allied by sacred vows to each other on our God's own behest and on His Name's behalf in the service of the sacred life of this world and in defense of the one indivisible peace of the nations of our mankind, we disown and disinherit ourselves from all paths that lead to lawless and unmitigated violence and hatred.

We walk the one, ascendant mountain path that lead to unity which is the exaltation of our God's glorious nature and abhor with one heart the one lie within all sinful things in the numerous unholy idols that lead to discord, division, dilution and dissolution among the souls of men and desolation among the nations of our mankind.

We shall not and we shall never constitute a voting bloc and rob our peers of the dignity of their authentic human freedom but rather be an enabler of the truths that liberate and empower the people, our Holy Mother Church, all of blessed Christendom, the numberless stars of the great nation of our Father Abraham and by extension, the one family of the nations of mankind and the sacred life of lower creation.

We encourage and support a democracy that is forged from the unique, defining, and common experience of each and every emerging nation-state, built from values derived from our shared humanity and definitively supported by the combined wisdom and universal good will of all the free nations of the one family of the nations of mankind, most particularly the elder nation-states of our one planetary whole.

We draw not our initiative for right action from the ephemeral nature of the evil that we expect from this world but from the eternal and pre-existent purity of the good that we recognize and appreciate in the hearts of all who are good and build not our foundation for virtue upon the lies of the Devil but on the solid granite of the immovable mountain of the manifest will of God in all creation.

And because we believe absolutely in the ascendant good, being vigilant and astute students of Divine Providence, we have liberty within our community to question not our motives but only our methods of effectively and efficiently delivering the grace of God from our hearts to the very least of our Lord's poor; competing always in good works which are the eternal fruits of virtue and never reveling in evil things nor seeking to profit from the wickedness of others.

Therefore, as it is relevant at this time to discuss the particular call of democratically electing the necessary governance of the people and therefore, responding by the grace of God in Country to our common human need for the continuity of the evolution in exile time of just societies in our world and in particular, to our own particular national communities, it must be stressed again that the apostolate DOES NOT and shall NEVER constitute a voting bloc.

But this we are obliged by sacred duty to do, VOTE - in truth, in conscience and in secret - thus, do we honor, as human beings, man or woman, ably and with maturity, our citizenship call and fulfill one of the most important civic duties of a citizen of a social democracy framed and represented by a Republic state.

We shall, in the one Solidarity, encourage the choice and enable it in ourselves and in others by God's grace but we shall never take it away.

And because we readily recognize and fulfill the love of a citizen that is required of us by our LORD, thus do other men also recognize by the same kindred grace that abides in us, the universal honor bestowed upon the good of the citizen in ourselves in the context of our own particular endeavors of Country.

Let us be mindful, my dear companions, from always to always, that as human beings, we are created with but one heart.

Therefore, to be true to ourselves, we are commanded by our LORD to love with but one love alone. We must then be single-hearted in our love for and of God knowing that all other love proceeds from charity.

By thus, our Blessed Savior recognizes us, by thus, we are made brothers and sisters, one to another in time and more significantly in eternity.

A father who observes a father's love recognizes a fathers love and by fulfilling this love, by his selfless bearing of this love in God with courage, gratitude and fidelity even as a gift, he advances in this love closer and closer to our LORD and by becoming intimate with the Intimate - even if it hurts him, he fosters the life of his wife and his children and is then recognized by both heaven and earth as a father and thus, retains the intact honor of a father who prevailed in the truth not in the overcoming of others but in the overcoming of the self.

So it is, my precious friend, are we all as human beings the same, endowed with but one love that rests in God alone and called by our one LORD to the particular love in God of a father, a mother, a husband, a wife, a sister, a brother, a son, a daughter, an Abrahamic companion on the one Way of virtue, a friend, a teacher, a citizen, a pope, a bishop, a priest, a king, a queen, a prince, a princess, a preacher, a pastor, a president, a minister, an elder, a soldier, a worker, or any person of proven virtue and good will that responds with universal service to the common needs of our shared humanity, the sacred life of our one planetary whole and the common defense of the one indivisible peace of the nations of our mankind.

Charity indeed covereth a multitude of sins, preventing scandal and arresting the advance of hell on earth.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Please refer to Blog: The one Majority

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our Lord's Poor

THIS IS A MANDATORY TITLE used within our one Solidarity to refer to those people in need of our love and assistance.

With regards to the social missions of our one Solidarity (as it is established in our "System of Common Needs"), we shall not distinguish between race, sex, creed or any temporal distinctions between each of the segments (entire nations or specific social groupings) of our one suffering humanity that our LORD God had willed Himself to emerge in exile time from our dispersion at Babel.

All those individuals shall be collectively referred to - with one love and humble respect - within the apostolate as "our Lord's poor" in deference to the very special love that our most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ has in His Most Sacred Heart to the very least of our brethren and sisters.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our Missionary Spirit

THE MISSIONARY SPIRIT of the one Solidarity that we share in common with all of blessed Christendom entire and with our Holy Mother Church in particular is a wholesome balance derived from our disciplined practice of the seal of faith and our unyielding love of others in Christ.

Being mindful of God's gift of free will and it's prime significance in the stage of salvation history, we must never seek to impose or willfully apply, directly or indirectly, the particular doctrines of our Christianity on anyone who is unwilling.

All the while, we must be able to put our complete trust that the Holy Spirit of Christ has the absolute power and freedom to breathe where It wills, liberating hopes, opening hearts, enabling minds, quickening souls, and drawing to Christ His pilgrim Church in exile time according to the good pleasure of the Father alone and never our own.

However, it must be equally emphasized as well, here and now, that as for those whose hearts are willing to see our Jesus Christ, those whose ears are willing to hear His Gospel News, those whose souls are likewise being quickened by God to the faith and obedience of our Holy Mother Church, those whose hopes are parched and dry being thirsty for living waters, those are the souls which must never be denied the truth of Jesus Christ and the eternal promise that shall quench their interior thirst.

Neither our one Solidarity nor our Holy Mother Church as a whole shall ever deny our sacred Christian truths nor withhold the passage into baptism to any and all of those whose names eternally belong to the roster of the one flock of the one good Shepherd that encompass all of
our blessed Christendom in time and in eternity.

We behold in the faith of our hearts the vision of Christ in His eternal glory with the Father Who sent Him and believe in the Holy Spirit of God Who bear witness unto our souls of this great mystery, the mystery of the one sacred reality of the Most Blessed Trinity.

Where we to meditate on this most sublime Christian revelation, it will be realized by the grace of God in our hearts that contained in this one vision of one Love is the actual reality of the Gospel promise of eternal life; that eternal life consists of our being forever caught up in the Holy Spirit between the most intimate embrace of the Father and the Son.

This is the immortal Christian hope that we must always, always be eager to share with any and all of the willing.

This is the missionary spirit of our community.

It is our particular share of joyous labor our Savior Jesus Christ has enjoined all of blessed Christendom to perform in the the Great Commission.

Sancta Sancti!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

The Seal of Faith

THE SEAL OF FAITH is a guarantee of religious respect accorded to all active ecumenical and non-Christian members within the one Solidarity.

It ensures that social missions that serve and bring relief to our Lord's poor are given their due attention and proper significance in the life of the community.

It also acts as a neutral buffer that safeguard from hypocrisy and syncretism our active members who work in missions right alongside their ecumenical as well as non-Christian peers thereby preserving not only the integrity of our active membership but also that of our entire apostolate.

It serves to foster a deeper sense of trust which in turn help open the way toward greater understanding between Christian denominations as well as with those non-Christian religions who share with us, a common desire for religious peace and harmony.

This understanding is to be realized through shared service experiences built upon values that are truly human and therefore, truly common, all towards religious peace and harmony which is the stated mission of our Ecumenical, Abrahamic and Inter-Faith commissioning.

The principle of the seal of faith can be summarized in this statement; that "in matters particular to our own faith, we may only hope through the Holy Spirit to convince ourselves and to speak with conviction where God asks us to speak His witness in us but in sundry times, we will speak our witness by writing with our own lives our Savior's love and His peace into other people's hearts."

Sancta Sancti!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Our Exemplar

JESUS CHRIST is our Exemplar:
Our Path and our Destiny.
He is the Second Person
of the one Triune Perfection -
The true and everliving God -
Most to be adored
Yet so little known
By needful men.

He is the Eternal Word of God,
Beloved Son of the Father,
Eternally begotten, not made;
True God from True God,
Infinite Truth from Infinite Truth -
One with the Father and the Holy Spirit -
Through Him all things came to be,
The Splendor of all living creation,
The Light of the human race.

And this Light shines in the darkness
and the darkness has not overcome it.

Though immortal and invulnerable
out of love for suffering mankind
He went down from heaven
through the obedience of our Lady
and the love in her Immaculate Heart.
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and was born of the Virgin Mary.
He is True God and True Man.
In His Sacred Humanity,
He is True Man,
like us in every manner
save for sin.
In His Eternal Divinity,
He is True God,
unlike us in all truth
save for grace.

He constantly yearned over us
living in solidarity with sinners.
He lived to serve the least of men
desiring that all men be saved.
He lived and walked among us
examining our hearts and our ways.
He called each of us by our name
and made Himself available to all.
He called us to live a life of repentance,
to worship God in spirit and in truth;
and he gave our hearts, our hope -
and he gave our hopes, His Heart -
with the courage to overcome
the darkness within ourselves.

By our common Christian baptism:
He rekindled in our hearts
The sanctifying fire of Divine Love.
And called us out of this world
to belong forever with Him
as one Covenant family of God.

He illumined the darkness of our minds
by the Light of His own perfect human life.
And taught us His timeless counsels -
to be meek, humble, and contrite,
to be chaste, holy and upright,
to be like God, our Father in heaven,
giving us His new commandment of love
by which heaven and earth shall know
that we are His disciples.

He grieved much for our sakes
and prayed assiduously for us.
He lovingly offered for us
His own Body and Blood
and instituted for us
Our common Eucharistic meal
that would feed our souls,
as our new manna from heaven,
and sustain us for the journey
across the void of exile time
through the bitter portal of our death
into the promised Kingdom of God,
Our one, true Country.

His Peace is a promise
that He will be with us for always -
His Light will see us through this darkness,
His Truth being both our Path and our Destiny,
and His Love will not let us perish in the end.
For His Peace is a promise indeed -
that He will see us through to better days -
into a place without war and tears,
into a better world without sin and suffering,
into a time of everlasting life and of joyous peace
lived in the timeless embrace of the vision of our God.

He sent us His Holy Spirit
to guide and to fortify,
to serve and to strengthen,
to shape and to sanctify,
and protect from the gates of hell
His Militant Church on earth.
And illumine for all of us the way
along the hard and narrow road,
up the difficult, high mountain path
of universal truth and Christian virtue.

He lived for the truth,
He spoke nothing but the truth,
He is nothing but the truth,
and died instead of mouthing the lie
that would deny Him His Divinity.

He became vulnerable
to suffer with our suffering
and embrace our human condition
giving true meaning to our living.
He became mortal
to die with our death
and transform our fallen nature
giving true meaning to our dying.
He was betrayed and abandoned by His friends,
and suffered under Pontius Pilate.
He was rejected, slapped, spat at, mocked and scourged,
punched, tortured, crowned with thorns and beaten with reeds.
He was made an object of contempt
and though innocent
was treated more guilty than a murderer.
He was unjustly condemned to die
a horrible and ignominious,
slow and lingering death by crucifixion.
He was made to carry His heavy, wooden Cross
and amidst a jeering, shouting crowd
was dragged violently through the streets of Jerusalem.
He was stripped naked and was nailed to the wood of His Cross.
He was raised up and made to hang in unthinkable agony,
upon that lonely mount of Calvary;
an object of scorn and ridicule to His own creatures,
suspended between heaven and earth
like a bridge between the world of God and the world of men.
His Sacred Humanity, bloodied and bruised beyond recognition,
He did reveal to us the depth of his hunger for us.
He did thirst for our love.
He wept out of sheer loneliness
and looked down in sorrow
upon the grieving faces of His Mother, Mary,
and his beloved disciple, Saint John.
Out of love for His Mother
and out of mercy for us,
He entrusted us to Mary
and Mary to us through Saint John
at the foot of His Cross.

His most loving and Sacred Heart,
a most loving Heart that has loved us so much
yet in return is loved so little,
was emptied out for us.
He bore for all mankind the terrible wrath
gathered up for all our sins past, present and future.
He bled His Sacred Blood in profuse torrents
to wash away all our iniquities
until finally
He cried out in abject grief
and utter desolation
to His Father in Heaven,
commended to God, His Spirit
and died of a broken Heart.

His broken Heart was then pierced
with a lance
and It flowed with the water and the blood
that sealed forever the new and everlasting Covenant
between God and man.
It is said that our Holy Mother Church,
as Christ's new Covenant people,
sprang from His wounded side.

Alleluia, O my soul, Christ our Savior
Has paid the ransom
For the sins of all mankind!

Our Blessed Lord gave to us the gift of Himself
out of His perfect obedience
to the tender mercies
of the Father of all mercy
and His infinite love for us,
miserable and wretched sinners that we are,
until He was so completely
and utterly spent
that even though He was God
and He is God
and God being infinitely rich
and powerful beyond measure,
as Saint Augustine said -
He gave until He had nothing left to give.

Indeed, He loved us all without exception
and cherished us each without measure
right to the bitter end.
He forgave His tormentors
for He loved both His enemies
as well as His friends.

In so doing, our Blessed Lord
and Holy Redeemer
completely transformed
our common heritage
by His life, Passion, death and Resurrection
from one of everlasting death
into one of resurrection unto everlasting life.

Glory to God in the highest!
Peace to all men of goodwill -
Adoration to Jesus Christ -
Our Beloved Lord and Omnipotent God;
Our Blessed Savior and Loyal Friend;
Our Divine Master and Celestial King;
Our Eldest Brother and Faithful Helper;
Our Light and our Truth;
Our Resurrection and Life;
Our one true Shepherd,
Our Pledge of Victory;
Our Prince of Peace;
Our Hope Everlasting;
Our Eternal Daystar;
The True Morning Star;
The First of our First Magnitudes
Our Everything and our All.

He is Jesus Christ, our Exemplar:
Our Path and our Destiny -
True God and True Man,
Son of God and Son of Mary.

And this I most solemnly confess
as most sincerely mine own,
with all the Christian truths
of my Roman Catholic Faith,
in silence and in words,
alone or with others,
in thought and in deed,
in time and in eternity
by the blessed
and thrice-holy Name
of the one, great Triune Perfection:
The Father,
The Son,
and the Holy Spirit -
One God and LORD forever!

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Three Minimums

"WHEN you sow a thought, you reap an act. When you sow an act, you reap a habit. When you sow a habit, you reap a character. When you sow a character, you reap a destiny."

of our one Solidarity embody the Vatican II expectations of modern Catholic Laity.

These expectations are also the expectations of our community that are to be met prior to one being officially admitted into the one Solidarity.

From these three minimums grow the work that with God's own blessing will bear for our most loving Jesus, the lasting fruits of our apostolate for the good of our Holy Mother Church in particular and for the good of all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind in general starting, of course, with our own beloved Philippines.

If you aspire to add your own grace our ranks and bless us with your own limitless potential in Christ Jesus, please make sure your own mind and heart meet these three minimums:

1. To be able to articulate and defend the faith of the Roman Catholic Church:

> To strive ceaselessly to hear ever more clearly God's Word, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, taking that Word to heart and shaping one's life according to it.

> To speak about the faith and even instruct, strengthen, and motivate others, not only non-believers, but fellow Christians as well and to manifest Christ's message by words and deeds and to communicate His grace to the world.

> To lead others - not only non-believers but fellow Christians - to a deeper faith, not simply by our words but also by our deeds, making the Gospel known and more holy through the witness of an exemplary life.

2. To be appreciative of the true value of all of God's creation:

> To learn the deepest meaning and value of all creation, and how to relate it to the praise and glory of God.

> To be appreciative of our own humanity and the mysteries of being human: the body, feeling, emotion, love, sex, work, play, community celebration, art, science, the aspirations of the human mind and the longings of the human heart.

> To work to see that created goods are more fittingly distributed among men and women and in our own way lead to general progress in human and Christian liberty.

> To establish firmly in our hearts the kingdom of God wherein all creation itself will be delivered out of the slavery to corruption and into the freedom of the sons and daughters of God.

3. To be zealous in building a better world for all men, women and children:

> To struggle to free ourselves from the value system of our society - whatever it may be - in order to judge and act by the justice of God and the norms of the Gospel.

> To bear witness to the power and glory of Christian love for the inspiration of others.

> To promote the unity of all Christians and dialogue with non-Christians and non-believers.

> To be dedicated in a special way, with authentic mercy, to the defense of freedom, to social justice and peace, and above all the defense of human dignity, to remedying the different forms of suffering, to relieving the misery of those suffering injustice, working assiduously to change the institutions of society that generate suffering, whether it be economic, psychic, social, moral, or spiritual.

> To pursue a social order marked by justice, peace, and freedom for each human being, regardless of race, sex, age, or other distinction and to imbue culture and human activities with moral value.

Refer to Internet Article: Dominican Spirituality and Vatican II Expectations of Lay People with much thanks to our God and utmost appreciation to the charism of our Holy Father Dominic de Guzman made present in Christopher Kiesling, O.P.

"DUC IN ALTUM" - "Set forth into the Deep"

Luke 5: 4

"LET US PREPARE OURSELVES, my dear brothers and sisters, and together in God, our Father, even as good children of our Holy Mother Church, in the unity of the Holy Spirit and in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, to launch out as Laity and penetrate deeply into this world we live in."

Adoramus te, Christe, et benedicemus tibi; quia per sanctam Crucem tuam redemisti mundum - We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because by your holy Corss, you have redeemed the world.

May we always remain in God's grace.

Peace be upon you and Godspeed.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Regular Observance

WHEN THINGS get too complicated, my precious friend, this is what simplicity we shall all universally and regularly return to in common practice again and again, one with another, alone or in community, from moment to moment, each and every day of each and every year of our temporal lives - it will be our invisible habit as Laity - the habitual grace of our spiritual charism - the official uniform of our one Solidarity:

LOVE GOD and love others in God as true self.

Pray always for our Holy Father, the Bishop of Rome,
and all Bishops in communion with the Successor of Saint Peter.
Pray always for the good of our Solidarity as a united whole
and live so that all be of one mind and one heart in God.
Pray each day for the perseverance to live and die
in the faith and obedience of the Roman Catholic Church.

Pray for faith to see through the eyes of God.
Pray for hope to share the strength and fidelity of God.
Pray for love to walk into the heart of God.

Love virtue and cherish and uphold the good in ourselves, and recognizing the one, true Source of all good things; to preserve, advance and fulfill it for the glory of His Name.

Abhor sin and to confront and do battle with the evil in ourselves, and with Jesus Christ Crucified as our pledge of victory; to deter, destroy and uproot it by the saving power of His grace.

Fear the Lord,
love and honor the Holy Mother of God.
be single-hearted and sincere,
be humble and contrite,
be chaste,
be obedient,
be poor in spirit,
be patient and kind,
be holy and apostolic,
be deeply contemplative
and steadfast in prayer and fasting,
be intensely Eucharistic,
be joyous and easily content,
be meek and gentle,
be sober and just,
be temperate and modest,
be studious,
be merciful
and do with generosity
all the works of mercy,
forgive easily and completely
and do penance for sins,
persevere in the way of Christian perfection
and establish firmly
the Kingdom of God in my heart,
be courageous against temptation,
walk with peace and goodwill for all men
and serve all souls without distinction.
Have a spiritual longing for our heavenly home
and desire that all souls be saved.
Live in complete and holy communion with God,
all the holy Angels of God,
all the triumphant Saints in heaven,
all the militant faithful on earth,
all the Holy Souls in purgatory,
and make suffrage for the Holy Souls.
Share the fruits of contemplation with others
and work towards peace and Christian unity.
Proclaim the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ
to the very ends of the earth.
Be true and speak the truth.
Be dedicated to the Truth.
Be brave in our common defense
of Country, true self, each other
and the one universal Christian faith.

Observe faithfully all the elements of this way of life
for love of God,
for love of family and friends,
for love of suffering humanity
and the salvation of my own soul.

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

O Immaculata!

My Mother and Queen of my Heart,
I love thee but do not deserve thee.
For it is the boundless mercy of God,
O Blessed Virgin Mary,
that made thee my Mother
and I thy unworthy son.
O Refuge of Sinners,
without whom I would perish,
I am thankful to God for thee!
O dearest Lady,
may my love and appreciation for thee grow,
by special grace of God,
with each day I walk this life with thee
in the path that our Savior has chosen for me.
O great Mother of God!
I humbly beseech thee,
give me strength against thy enemies
and allow me to praise and honor thee.
O glorious Leader!
Help of Christians, lead us to victory -
toward a new age of peace and renewal for our world
through the Eucharistic reign of Christ
in the hearts of all Christians
in the Name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.


Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

O Mother of Suffering Humanity

O MY MOTHER MARY, I love you.
recall me to yourself today
under your most glorious service
as Queen of heaven and earth
and Queen of my heart with Jesus.

Grant me the strength of will
to serve you under your banner
with a heart that loves God alone
that perseveres in the way of virtue
and add to the good of the world.

help me deny myself today
enduring temptations bravely
and bearing trials for Jesus
denying evil an entrance
in my heart and in our world.

O that I may please Almighty God
and prosper God's own peace
in my heart and in our world
for love of all thy children
O Mother of suffering humanity.


Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Alter Christus

O MY JESUS, my All, my Everything!
My Lord and my God, my Savior, my King, my Brother, my Friend.
Thou art my All, my Everything!
My Way, my Truth and my Life.
O my Jesus, Son of the living God and Son of Mary, lead me!
Lead me away from all that is not Thee.
Thou art my All, my Light, my Joy and my Salvation!
O most loving Jesus, hear me: Have mercy on me, a sinner!
Take me O Lord, take me far away from myself.
Hold me close O Christ, into Thyself -
Into Thy Afflicted Heart, O Love, embrace me.
Immolate all my love and burning zeal for Thee.
Take all my fears, consume all my sorrow.
Suffer with me the pain of becoming alive
And weep with me an ocean of Thy mercy
Until all the darkness is gone and I am no more.
And only Thou, O my glorious God, remain in me.


Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Salutation to the Holy Angels

I SALUTE all the angels of God!
From the least to the greatest -
I salute all the angels of God!
From the highest of Seraphim
to the guardians of the souls of men.
I acknowledge your unseen presence
with due respect to the unseen reality
that hold back the assault of demons
in our poor world and in my poor life.

I salute all the angels of God!
To the angels of my enemies,
To the angels of my friends,
As well as those of my family,
Above all to my guardian dear.
My own angel, faithful and true!
Who have known me from eternity;
Who came to this world at my birth;
Who shall fly me away at my passing.
May God's grace see us through evil
with bonds strong against temptation.
May God bless and purify our friendship
into an union of love that will last forever.

I give thanks and adoration to God
For all the angelic hosts of the Lord.
For the battles they fight
and the victory they proclaim
under the banner of the Lamb,
the leadership of Michael,
and the Queenship of Mary,
by the power of God,
on behalf of suffering mankind.

To the most high and sovereign God
who rules all true things
seen and unseen.
And turns all things to good
for those who love and fear Him.
May glory, honor and praise belong
forever and ever.


Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Mission of the One Solidarity

THE ONE SOLIDARITY or the Solidarity of the Nameless of God is a global Apostolate of the Peace of Jesus Christ.

This Peace has a twofold hope wholly contained in the truth of both God and Country.

For even as Church and State are distinct from each other and separated from one and the other in terms of duties toward the common nation, it can not be denied that their being both distinct and separate does not mean that Church and State are divorced from the reality of each other.

This only means that both Church and State each constitute one whole truth which by nature may only be distinct and separate for they are complete within themselves and having always been complete require nothing else to complete them.

These whole truths being born of the one illumination may be distinct and separate but they are never divided in terms of their original purpose in creation within the immovable and unchangeable will of the Divine.

These whole truths being neither reliant on opposition or support to validate what is obvious in them are instead tasked by heaven and earth to form an intrinsic synergy of strengths that arise specifically from their being both distinct and separate.

Now, the charism of our Community being the Peace of Jesus Christ being a whole truth in itself work also in the same way being equally applicable as a benefit that contributes to the positive sum of the synergy of both Church and State through works that prosper the peace that unfolds the sheltering wings of Country that serve and defend the sacred life of our common humanity.

Therefore, the primary mission of our Community is a twofold synergy: 1) To work the works of the peace in common with all our peers in common creation and 2) establish firmly within the Divided House of blessed Christendom the sacred trust of the Peace of Jesus Christ that universally binds all the baptized into a fundamental unity that all may gain an awareness in our hearts of our sacred Christian duty to advance as one towards the realization of One Undivided Church.

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ

Peace to men of good will.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Known only to God.
And faithful to God alone.
Both men and angels together.
Friendships meant to last forever.

Unknown and invisible.
Ordinary in the eyes of men.
Extraordinary in the eyes of God alone.
Beautiful for being beheld by Beauty Itself.

Who live in the heart of Christ.
And walk this world together alone.
Who brave the hard and narrow Way:
The spiritual sons and daughters of the One.

Born of the one firmament of stars.
Numberless lights spread across the sky.
Shining with forbearance, twinkling with hope.
The common patrimony of our Father Abraham.

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.