Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Loyalty to Christ and His Church

OUR BEING ROMAN CATHOLIC is not a distinction that separates us from the rest of suffering humanity.

Our being Christian in general and Roman Catholic in particular is not a clique that makes us a cut above the rest but a responsibility to serve all souls without distinction that make us belong all the more clearly to all human hope.

For the certitude of faith that we gain from our loving and confident obedience to the teaching Magisterium of our Holy Mother Church is not something to be selfishly enjoyed but something to be openly and honorably shared on behalf of Christ with the rest of our common peers in common creation.

This open and honorable sharing is a hallmark of our one Solidarity and shall by thought, word and deed constitute our common witness to our poor and needful world of the timeless majesty and utter necessity of Jesus Christ - our everliving Word - to all the restless souls of mankind who, without exception, desire a peace that only the one Savior of humankind can provide.

Therefore, in the course of our accomplishing of this mission of our apostlate, I should like to point out two things which shall form the bedrock foundations of the activities of our one Solidarity; two things that shall keep our apostolate relevant in exile time - loyalty to the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and loyalty to the Vicar of Christ on earth.

And I would that we shall each prayerfully consider at this time these and ponder on them - ponder on how these two loyalties coalesce in our hearts into one, right and honorable Christian action which is the bearing of the eternal fruits required of us by our Savior Lord.

We shall return to this topic in a while. I love you all, from always to always.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

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