Monday, January 19, 2009

Starshine and Truelight

THE IMMENSE VALUE of our youth shall not be lost to our one Solidarity. They are the source of constant rejuvenation to our community.

We shall serve them in spirit through a concept of a magazine for our youth.

This publication shall be called "Starshine". It will be a wisdom-based publication - more than non-denominational, more than inter-faith, it will be completely human, completely safe and completely edible to the constantly searching souls of our young people.

It will serve to introduce them to the vast spiritual patrimony of our shared humantity and reflecting these things in the right light, make them practical to our times as well as relevant to the peace which is the charism of our community.

Given the climate of today, it will serve to counter the pervasiveness of toxic materials that poison the mind and hearts of our little ones.

"Truelight" is the counterpart magazine for our mature membership. It will be mainly about Jesus Christ, our one Truelight - as well as articles relevant to our mature membership. It will also be based on topics reflected in the right light, descending not into the gravity of division, it shall be completely human, completely safe and completely edible to the mature membership of our apostolate - across all National Wings, their necessary Provincial Brigades and all Diocesan Squadrons, regular (service as well as support), ecumenical, Abrahamic and Inter-faith - and their composite Parish Flights.

Both of these intruments shall uphold respect for differences, appreciate common values and promote the charism of our community - the Peace of Jesus Christ.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

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