Friday, January 30, 2009

Organizational Structure of the one Solidarity


I. The First Magnitude Order of the Peace of Jesus Christ and the First Magnitude Contemplative Order of our Lady, the Mother of Suffering Humanity.

"That the Eucharistic Reign of Christ be in every Christian heart so that all of mankind may know through the Hope of our Lady, the Mother of Suffering Humanity, that the Peace of Christ is but one Peace for all the nations of the one family of the nations of mankind."

1st Magnitude, Council-elect, male or female, have further undertaken a solemn vow to practice Christian poverty, thus completing the Evangelical Counsels.

II. The Council of the Immaculate Conception or the one Council

All Preservators of all National Wings, all of whom have undertaken a solemn vow to practice Christian obedience to the one Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, our Holy Father Benedict XVI and his one whole apostolic lineage in particular and all Bishops in communion with the Supreme Pontiff in general.

III. The System of Common Needs - The Social Missions of the one Solidarity

Except for the one Chaplaincy, all stability and military force missions are only undertaken by the one Majority (or its equivalent international chapters) and if within the context of the Philippine Republic and this particular endeavor of Country always in support of our Constitution and under the aegis of the legitimate Philippine state.

IV. Junior Stars or JStars

The Youth Arm of the one Solidarity, our precious Starshine. Members from Baptism - 16 years old: aspiring (eager for our charism and willing to officially enter into our apostolate), able (conversant - cor ad cor loquitur - with the three minimums) and Roman Catholic (loyalty to the one triune Perfection and to the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church of Jesus Christ on earth, our Holy Mother Church).

Starshine refers to all of the youth (of all nations) in general Abrahamic but to all of our Christian youth in particular.

V. Structure of Organization within the one Solidarity

National Wing of the Particular Church
Vicariate or Provincial Brigade
Diocesan Squadron

The Diocesan Squadron is the Basic Service Arm of the one Solidarity.

All Regular, Ecumenical, Abrahamic, and Inter-Faith Squadrons are Service Squadrons.

All Support Squadrons move towards becoming Regular Squadrons.

All Regular (Roman Catholic) Squadrons serve the good of our Support Squadrons as well as help advance all of our social missions undertaken with other Regular Squadrons or shoulder to shoulder with constituent Squadrons composed of Ecumenical (Christian), Abrahamic (Islamic or Judaic), and Inter-Faith (all other honorable religions aligned with the one Peace).

Support Squadrons are composed of these following Irregular Flights:

Sobriety - for recovering alcoholics
Recovery - for recovering addicts
Freedom - for recovering victims of pornography and destructive gambling
Awakening - for awakening homosexuals who want to live the experience of full communion with Holy Mother Church. The one Solidarity across all its National Wings shall implement an "Openly Gay, Openly Chaste Policy." Much of the upcoming Squadron guidelines shall be taken from entry: On Homophobia.
Promise - for single mothers and unborn children
Destiny - for troubled marriages
Sanctuary - for the persecuted

Except for Sanctuary which is the direct responsibility of the National Wing, all Irregular Flights are the direct responsibility of their Diocesan Squadron and its complement of Service Squadrons and their resources in particular and the National Wings and their resources in general.

The guidelines that shall govern each specific Support Squadron and their respective Irregular Flights are to follow.

Ecumenical, Abrahamic and Inter-Faith Squadrons are led by honorary Preservators of the appropriate Magnitude rank drawn from their own ranks. The guidelines as regards to this are to follow.

The Parish Flight is the Basic Community Whole within the one Solidarity.

The one Family or the Domestic Church is the Structure within the Parish Flight.

The JStar Troop is the component Youth element of every Parish Flight.

VI. The Order of the Peace or the Order of the Peace of Jesus Christ

The quality of the one Order shall be perceived by observance of two things and two things alone: loyalty to the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist (commission) and to the Vicar of Christ on earth (mission).

1st Magnitude - shed away all political affiliations and earthly ambitions
2nd Magnitude - undertake solemn vow to practice Christian chastity as an Evangelical Counsel
3rd Magnitude - acquire the spirituality of Ascendant Concentration
4th Magnitude - acquire the spirituality of our Holy Father Dominic

All active, regular ranks of the apostolate - undertake to practice our Regular Observance

An active, regular member is male or female, practicing Lay Roman Catholic, 16+ years of age and are either in a single or married state.

VII. Mass Attendance and the Order of the Peace

40 Consecutive or 52 Cummulative Sunday Masses = + 1 Magnitude rank

Ascent to each of the four Magnitudes is by free consent.

VIII. Hierarchy of Official Responsibilities within the Order of the Peace

Eucharistic Adjutant
Conservator (Treasurer)
Sergeant (Catechist, Support, Counselor, Clerk, Social Missions Instructor, Teacher)

National Wing - no lower than 1st Magnitude (senior) Preservator, 1st Magnitude Vice-Preservator, all others 2nd Magnitude

Vicariate or Provincial Brigade - no lower than 2nd Magnitude (senior) Preservator, 2nd Magnitude Vice-Preservator, all others 3rd Magnitude +

Diocesan Squadron - no lower than 3nd Magnitude (senior) Preservator, 3nd Magnitude Vice-Preservator, all others 4rd Magnitude

Parish Flight - no lower than 3rd Magnitude Preservator, 4th Magnitude Sergeants

All Preservators and Vice-Preservators of all Magnitude ranks serve for life.

All Official Responsibilities except for Preservator and Vice-Preservator are at-will.

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.

Sancta Sanctis!

Blessed Jacinta Marto of Fatima, Pray for us.

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

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