Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mass Guideline: Organizational Structure

IN THE ONE SOLIDARITY, tenure as regards to our regular ranks will directly be reflected by each member's mass attendance. For this reason, the one Solidarity shall call from it's membership, qualified Eucharistic Adjutants from the level of the Parish Flight and as necessary right up to the National Wing of the Local or Particular Church within the fold of our Holy Mother Church.

It has come to my realization that flexibility and initiative with regards to the worthy reception of Holy Communion must be left with the person of the communicant and our Lord Christ, our Capital Grace, and so worthy Holy Communion shall therefore in the one Solidarity be allowed to remain as a free choice that reflects the personal discretion of the individual.

But let me emphasize the word, "worthy", in the act of receiving the Real Presence - any breach in sacred honor with regards to worthy reception of our Lord Christ within the folds of our one community shall constitute a grievous and irreparable breach of conduct that shall, if proven with malice, call for permanent expulsion from the one Solidarity.

Mass attendance, however, shall - as the precepts of our Mother Church dictates - be the measure by which our regular ranks shall ascend to the Magnitudes within the Order of the Peace.

Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

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