Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Rosary of Hope

MY DEAR CHRISTIAN, this Rosary of Hope is meant to focus the longings of the heart with our Lady to the needful things in ourselves and in the world around us that we ought to care about. Those needful things we need to realize in the way of our prayer and then own in our souls by an act of our will to open the doors of our hope.

As we walk this world with our Lord, there are many things of beauty that are needful of our care and attention, these things that we need to realize as reflections of the one Beauty should populate the universe within our hearts, to make bloom with much flowers, the vast fields of the Kingdom of God within our souls.

This prayer came to me while I was weeping and hoping in front of our Lady for a need yet unfilled and is relatively new to myself as well - I know that the meditations contained herein still need much cultivation and though it is not my way to put something out that hasn't been thoroughly exercised in my heart of hearts, I take exception with this one for I want to share and learn this prayer with you, my dear Christian, and also, because today is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.

This Rosary of Hope is not meant to replace the four sets of mysteries that are the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious events in the life of our Savior with our Lady and require that each one of us have had some fruit from the meditation of those timeless and inexhaustible mysteries prior to this Rosary of Hope. For this particular Rosary with our Lady and Blessed Jacinta Marto, my dear Christian soul, is meant to bring those virtues and the present need that their fruits need to serve into the moment with each of us and our Lady with Blessed Jacinta Marto so that we may each come to attain and realize these fruits of good works required by grace of our Christian character and by our own acts of hope, and through the strength and fidelity of our Lord, take proper human stewardship of their reality in the universe within each ourselves, and together out into the tremendous world of our human hopes without, as each of us becomes fully gathered together in the Now.

is what separates our reality from the one Divine reality,

HOPE is what separates our reality from other human realities.

And LOVE is what connects all these realities together.

THEREFORE observe and understand by thy sign of the Cross, my dear Christian soul, our Blessed Lord Crucified for our sakes'; the vertical beam of His Holy Cross, our happy faith, the horizontal beam of His Holy Cross, our holy hope and the Corpus of our Savior Himself being the infinite Love, broken for suffering humanity, bringing us all together in the unity of the Holy Spirit as the one great Covenant family of God, our Heavenly Father.

- Sign slowly, purposefully, openly and clearly. Open your heart to God.

And meditate with our Lady:

1st Our Father - Our one LORD, the ascendant unity of God.

Three Hail Mary's - The one triune Perfection - God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - being the primary reason for the ascendant unity of God - The one triune Perfection is a one ineffable Name - one Reality.

Glory Be - Glory to God - The Glory of God is the Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

1st Decade - Meditation on the Hope of Jesus Christ

AND IF I GO and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.

John 14: 3

Refer to entry: On the Peace of Jesus Christ

The preservation of virtue. Meditate and pray for the salvation of each of our souls through faith, hope and Christian charity.

Take ownership. Resolve to become part of the hope that shall help fill this need and restore peace and good will to our own souls.

Glory Be - Glory to God - Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

O my Jesus...Fatima Prayer - Pray this with Blessed Jacinta Marto - The Hope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

2nd Decade - Meditation on the Hope of Family

The preservation of virtue. Meditate and pray for the needs of the family; the instrumentality of the love of parents, wives, husbands, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, and extended family members.

Take ownership. Resolve to become part of the hope that shall help fill this need and restore peace and good will to our own family.

Glory Be - Glory to God - Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

O my Jesus...Fatima Prayer - Pray this with Blessed Jacinta Marto - The Hope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

3rd Decade - Meditation on the Hope of Friends/Neighbors

The preservation of virtue. Mediate and pray for the needs of friends - including neighbors and our local neighborhood community, our workplace community and both the transient and permanent community of our Lord's poor entrusted to our care who are within our own sphere of influence.

Take ownership. Resolve to become part of the hope that shall help fill this need and restore peace and good will to our local community.

Glory Be - Glory to God - Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

O my Jesus...Fatima Prayer - Pray this with Blessed Jacinta Marto - The Hope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

4th Decade - Meditation on the Hope of our Nations

The preservation of virtue. Meditate and pray for the needs of the national community - the state, the local regional community, the continental community and the one whole planetary community.

Take ownership. Resolve to become part of the hope that shall help fill this need and restore peace and good will to our nation.

Glory Be - Glory to God - Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

O my Jesus...Fatima Prayer - Pray this with Blessed Jacinta Marto - The Hope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

5th Decade - Meditation on the Hope of our Holy Mother Church

The preservation of virtue. Meditate and pray for the needs of our Holy Mother Church - the Church Militant, the Church Suffering in their proper relationships to the Church Triumphant as well as the Particular Church within one's locality - Meditate on the burden of our Holy Father Benedict XVI and pray for our pope - pray for our bishops, clergy, our apostolate, each other and all of Blessed Christendom that we may each grow closer and closer in the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ and through His Peace become a greater and greater blessing to our poor world, to the greater glory of God and the rejoicing of all of God's angels and saints.

Glory Be - Glory to God - Culmination of All Hope - rejoice and be joyful.

O my Jesus...Fatima Prayer - Pray this with Blessed Jacinta Marto - The Hope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Hail Holy Queen/Salve Regina (sung in the heart) - Renew your Total Consecration, if applicable.

Let us pray:

O MY MOTHER MARY, I love you.
recall me to yourself today
under your most glorious service
as Queen of heaven and earth
and Queen of my heart with Jesus.

Grant me the strength of will
to serve you under your banner
with a heart that loves God alone
that perseveres in the way of virtue
and add to the good of the world.

Please help me deny myself today
enduring temptations bravely
and bearing trials for Jesus
denying evil an entrance
in my heart and in our world.

O that I may please Almighty God
and prosper God's own peace
in my heart and in our world
for love of all thy children
O Mother of suffering humanity!

Resolution: For all beautiful life; why one must stay the mountain path - and walk this world with Jesus Christ, today, this hour, this minute, this moment, Now.

Your Personal Prayers...

MAKE THE SIGN OF THE CROSS - Sign slowly, purposefully, openly and clearly. Slowly rise from the deep.

Be thankful, strive to be joyous, one with another.


Sancta Sanctis!

Glory to God in the highest
Adoration to Jesus Christ
Peace to men of good will.

For further enrichment: A Meditation on Hope

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